My training in Organic Intelligence helps me see and understand the patterns at play in the bodies and minds of my clients and to choose interventions that support deep lasting change, well beyond the surface level.
What is Organic Intelligence®?
Organic Intelligence™ (OI) is a positive reinforcement clinical model and theoretical framework to promote human empowerment, resiliency, and compassion. A descendant of somatic/body-based therapies, OI integrates psychobiological science, positive psychology, complex systems theory, with mindfulness, image work, and somatic awareness to restore the felt-sense experience of safety, wellness and wholeness.
Rather than focusing on pathology and trauma, OI helps clients connect to and build on innate resilience and inner resource. OI supports healing and transformation from the nervous system up by interrupting harmful patterns related to stress/survival physiology and redirects attention and energy toward ease and vitality. OI uses image, sensory and somatic tracking, mindfulness, and the free association conversation to help the client integrate previously overwhelming experiences. The OI clinician strategically guides the client’s attention sometimes outward, sometimes inward, to keep the client within appropriate levels of activation and to facilitate emergence of increased systemic coherence – all parts of the self working together in harmony.
OI clinicians perceive and work with non-verbal information from the client including involuntary movements, micro-expressions, changes in breath and respiratory rate, etc. to help the client to navigate away from chaos/overwhelm and toward increased ease and self-aware enjoyment.
I am a approved session provider for students in the OI HEARTraining.
Photo by Davide Zanotti on Unsplash
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Below text quoted from
"Organic Intelligence® (OI) is a unique theory and clinical practice of human empowerment, resiliency, and compassion to resolve the devastating effects of stress, trauma, and PTSD.
The Organic Intelligence (OI) clinical protocol suggests that, from a systems perspective, what’s wrong with therapy is the focus on what’s wrong — including the focus on trauma.
Organic Intelligence brings a necessary shift in perspective from pathology and trauma to the proven methods drawn from the wisdom of mindfulness and the science of self-organization. OI teaches how healing happens from the nervous system up and makes it possible to imagine freedom from suffering. Freedom from suffering becomes freedom for living an authentic, vibrant life in the here-and-now.
OI teaches therapists how to observe relevant client behaviors according to a very clear map. This mapping allows therapists to understand the nervous system state, and reveals what kind of intervention is most likely to support natural systemic reorganization.
Rather than providing insight per se, Organic Intelligence aims to shepherd observable physio-emotional states according to a protocol which aligns with subtle, but naturally occurring organismic trends toward increased coherence — the rhythm of an integrative biology. We employ a ‘shaping’ paradigm of positive reinforcement — a true paradigm shift in trauma therapy.
Organic Intelligence was developed by Steve Hoskinson, MA, MAT, who has trained thousands of practitioners and mentored trauma resolution instructors in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia."